About Us

St. John's Institute was founded to uphold an essential paradigm:  English as the "Lingua

Franca", the essential communication bridge amidst numerous cultures, allowing everyone to turn

the "need therefore I will" axiom into actions.  We turned what was once a part-time engagement

into our profession, our objective to help students and professionals to successfully harness the

English language in order to achieve their goals at school, work and in life.  We strive to ensure 

that our students and clients are followed in compliance with ESL teaching criteria, assessing 

their needs and skills before placing them in a specific class level.  Entry tests are used to 

determine which CEFR (COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE) level each student 

will start from.  For a description of CEFR parameters please visit the following link:  Council Of 

Europe CEFR .  

Each instructor holds TEFL, TESOL and TOLES international teaching certifications.